Seminar on the topic "Legal Regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it»

Seminar on the topic "Legal Regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it»

On September 29, 2020, in accordance with the agreement on public procurement of services concluded between Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the Department of internal policy of the Karaganda region, a seminar was held on the topic "On legal regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it" with the heads and members of trade Union organizations of the Karaganda region. In connection with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the event was held online on the ZOOM platform.
The General Director of the Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "Republican research Institute for labor protection of the Ministry of labor and social protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (g. Nur-Sultan) Professor Bisakajev S.G. on the topic "The role and problems of certification of production objects on working conditions" and head of the laboratory of economic and legal research of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, D.l.s., Professor Bakishev Kairat Alihanovich on the topic: "About the labor protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Moderator of the seminar, Director of the research Institute of economic and legal research of KEUK, doctor of law, Professor Talgat Akhmatzievich Khanov outlined the main points related to the legal regulation of trade unions and issues of compliance with labor legislation.
We express our gratitude to the Chairman of the territorial Association of trade unions "Trade Union center of Karaganda region" Zhumabekov Bolat Kamzinovich and Shatokhina Tatyana Nikolaevna – Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union Center of Karaganda region for their assistance in organizing events.


Seminar on the topic "Legal Regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it» Seminar on the topic "Legal Regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it» Seminar on the topic "Legal Regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it»
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