«Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action»

«Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action»

On September 14, 2020, at the Faculty of Business, rights and тechnology, a series of events began to explain the Address of President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action».
At the meeting with the students, the Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov K.Zh. He stressed that the Address clearly outlined the main directions of our country's life in the new reality, gave explanations on each item of the Action Plan and urged students to be active in solving the most important tasks of the state.
A business and interesting dialogue took place between the students and the Chairman of the Karaganda regional branch of the youth wing «Zhas Otan» Ye.B. Khamitov. In a conversation with students, Yerzhan Bolatovich spoke about the President's program «Zhastar Otanha», about the participation of students in primaries, the volunteer movement in a pandemic, cooperation with our university and answered questions from students.
It is very important for student youth to understand that for civil and professional self-realization it is necessary to constantly work on oneself, to improve in order to effectively solve the strategic tasks of the state.


«Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action» «Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action» «Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action»
«Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action» «Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action» «Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action»
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