Festival of gratitude

Festival of gratitudeOn February 28, 2020, on the eve of the day of Gratitude and the 25th anniversary of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, the University hosted a Festival of gratitude. Gratitude day is a day of celebration of the Presidential policy of peace and harmony, thanks to which a unique model of national unity has been created in Kazakhstan. The holiday is based on the historical layer of traditions that originate in the customs of generosity, hospitality, charity and solidarity of the Kazakh people.
Russian, Korean, Tatar, German, Uzbek and Azerbaijani cultures were presented at the Festival, where students presented national dishes, decorative and applied art products, presented national costumes and prepared creative performances. The competition program was evaluated by the jury, which distributed the following categories:" Best national dish " was won by Russian cuisine," Best national costume "- German national costume, "Best creative number" - Korean folk dance, "Best presentation of the nation" - Uzbek nation.
On this day, we wish you joy, warmth, well-being and a peaceful sky above your head. May the day of gratitude further strengthen trust, harmony and friendship in our society!


Festival of gratitude Festival of gratitude Festival of gratitude
Festival of gratitude Festival of gratitude Festival of gratitude
Festival of gratitude Festival of gratitude Festival of gratitude
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