Round table: «Modern Kazakhstan. The Leadership Lessons Of The Nation».

Round table: «Modern Kazakhstan. The Leadership Lessons Of The Nation».

On december 1, 1991, our country elected its first President as a result of national elections, and the history of Independence began with this. Therefore, in 2011, the Parliament adopted the law "About entering of addition into the law RK "About holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan" according to which December 1 was adopted as the state holiday - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
By this decision, the Parliament of the country not only exalted a great personality, but also gave an appropriate assessment of the status of the institution of the presidency.
The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is the founder of the new independent state, who ensured the unity of Kazakhstan, protection of the Constitution, human and civil rights and freedoms.
At the round table were: Abilov K.Zh. - vice-rector for social Affairs, Badel A.-senior lecturer, master of the department «SR and APK», a student of gr. SR-41k Kenshilik Albina and student gr. SR-18-1 to Azine Shynargul.


Round table: «Modern Kazakhstan. The Leadership Lessons Of The Nation».   Round table: «Modern Kazakhstan. The Leadership Lessons Of The Nation».
 Round table: «Modern Kazakhstan. The Leadership Lessons Of The Nation».  Round table: «Modern Kazakhstan. The Leadership Lessons Of The Nation».
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