«Сәкен - дала перзенті».

«Сәкен - дала перзенті».Teachers and students of the Department "General Legal and special disciplines" November 20, 2019 hour of poetry "Saken-Dala perzenti", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the poet and writer, founder of modern Kazakh literature, statesman Saken Seifullin. The audience learned about the significant contribution of S. Seifullin to the development of Kazakh literature. Participants watched a documentary film dedicated to the life and work of Saken Seifullin. Rahat A., Tuspaeva L., Izbasar A., Kurbanova D., Alken T. recited the poet's poems that educate and enrich the spiritual world of man.
In the literary evening "Saken - Dala perzenti" slides devoted to the life and work of the poet were presented to the attention of students. Students made expressive reading of "Korkem Soz sheberleri" and the quiz "Syrly Surak, sir Oh." At the end of the event, students performed a song on the words from the poem "Kokshetau".


«Сәкен - дала перзенті». «Сәкен - дала перзенті».
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