Forum "Great Steppers of the Steppe"

Forum "Great Steppers of the Steppe"On November 16, 2019 at the secondary school № 23 hosted the forum "Great Steppe Successors", which was attended by children and school teachers, pedagogical labor veterans, parents' community and representatives of higher education institutions. The Karaganda Economic University was presented by the Department of Information Systems and the Occupational guidance and Public Relations center.
Within the framework of the Forum were held master classes on the content of updated educational content for the fair, exhibition of scientific projects and robotics, demonstration of social projects of students, training workshop, sports games, open lessons and guest and parent community.
During the forum, the students of the 9-11 grades talked to their parents about career guidance, as well as the choice of a future graduate specialty.
Participants of the forum "Great Steppe heirs" expressed their gratitude and noted that they have a great practical significance.


Forum "Great Steppers of the Steppe" Forum "Great Steppers of the Steppe" Forum "Great Steppers of the Steppe"
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