Meeting dedicated to the year of volunteer

Meeting dedicated to the year of volunteer
Teachers of the Department «Social work and Assembly of people of Kazakhstan» Nihambekova A. B., Badel A. B., Nurmukhanova N. T. in the hostel of the University held a meeting with students. The meeting was devoted to discussion of prospects of development of volunteer movement in KEU. Students got acquainted with the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan Tokayev K.-Zh.on the announcement of 2020 goal as the year of Volunteer in Kazakhstan, shared their vision of volunteer movement in KEU.
Volunteer activity in the student environment of the University is becoming more popular, students, including the specialty «Social work» voluntarily and gratuitously help the elderly, orphanages, specialized medical institutions and children – anyone who needs any help.


Meeting dedicated to the year of volunteer Meeting dedicated to the year of volunteer
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