Quest «Through the chapters of history»

Quest «Through the chapters of history»On 11 December, 2018 the library of KEUK held quest «Through the chapters of history» within the framework of a new policy article of president of RK N.A. Nazarbayev «Seven facets of the Great steppe» which is the continuation of «Ruxanï jañğıru» programme. The game was carried out among students from college of Economics, Business and Law of KEU, as well as learners from school № 83 of Karaganda city, who were acquainted with the library and university. Much interest of the quest’s participants was focused on laboratory «Robot technology and 3D-printing» and «Ruxanï jañğıru» online platform. The participants had a unique opportunity to check their knowledge in History of Kazakhstan, recall the traditions and customs, the culture and language of the Kazakh people. Besides, the tasks required the ability to work with the library catalog, rules of educational material arrangement and, in general, find their way around the library.
The participants performed definite tasks in each room of the library. Guessing the puzzle, the participants demonstrated their knowledge in the Kazakh language. In order to solve crosswords the students had to recall the remarkable dates and names of the prominent people of our country. Interesting and funny for the students was a task «Guess the book by the smiley-face emoji» where the teams were to find a book encoded by emoji on the library’s shelves.
The game was challenging and exciting. All the teams were awarded diplomas and sweet presents.


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