Participation of the Enactus KEUK team in summer camp Enactus Eurasia Summer camp!

Participation of the Enactus KEUK team in summer camp Enactus Eurasia Summer camp!

The participants of ENACTUS KEUK-Balsynov Zhalgaskhan, Rayymkhanova Zarina, Zholdybai Altynay, Orazbekova Alina took part in summer camp Enactus Eurasia Summer Camp from August 17 to 22, 2018. ENACTUS KEUK students were given the opportunity to study in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, project management, business innovation within the Enactus Eurasia Summer Camp 2018. One of the 10 organizers of this event was our captain Bolsinsov Zhalgaskhan, a student of the Yu-42 group. Over 200 active students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azejbardjan took part in the summer camp. The team is very grateful to Enactus Kazakhstan for the excellent organization of the large-scale event, as well as the member of the Board of Directors and the leading Enactus Reading club Azamat Utenov for the opportunity to take part in the competitions Reading club. We won 3 grants to participate in the summer camp and thanks to this our students visited this event for free. And of course we thank the Rector of KEUK, Doctor of Economics, Professor Aimagambetov Erkara Balkaraevich, Vice-rector for scientific work, strategic and innovative development of KEUK, Doctor of Economics, Professor Nakipova Gulmira Ermekovna and Advisor of the international program "Enactus-KEU" , Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Sikhimbayeva Dinara Rahmangazievna for the opportunity to participate in such events!


Participation of the Enactus KEUK team in summer camp Enactus Eurasia Summer camp! Participation of the Enactus KEUK team in summer camp Enactus Eurasia Summer camp!
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