Scientific online seminar on stimulating entrepreneurial activity in tourism and activating human resources

Scientific online seminar on stimulating entrepreneurial activity in tourism and activating human resources

 The Department for Additional and Post-Graduate Education and the International Programs, Projects and Academic Mobility Center, as well as with Economics and Entrepreneurship Chair between Management and Innovations Chair have conducted an online seminar with foreign scientific advisers of PhD students on specialty of Economics and Management on the 13th of June, 2018.
Foreign scientific adviser of the PhD students D. Salauatova, B. Tasbulatova is a doctor of economics, professor of the Department of Tourism and Social and Cultural Service of the Belgorod National State Scientific Research University (Russia) O.K. Slinkova. During the discussion of the problems of dissertational works of the PhD students have made speeches domestic scientific advisers doctor of economics, professor T.P. Pritvorova and doctor of economics, professor A. Tleuberdinova. The scientific online seminar held is of great practical importance both for the applicants themselves, and for representatives of KEUK and SRU BelSU.



Scientific online seminar on stimulating entrepreneurial activity in tourism and activating human resources Scientific online seminar on stimulating entrepreneurial activity in tourism and activating human resources
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