III Youth Forum of Universities of SCO-2018

III Youth Forum of Universities of SCO-2018On May 23, representatives of the Karaganda Economic University KazPotrebsoyuz took part in the III Youth Forum of Universities of SCO-2018 countries on the platform of the Belgorod State University in on-line mode.

Teachers and students of KEUK, as well as graduate students Ibrahimovа M.M. and Arshkenovа A.M. spoke at the conference with reports on the direction "International strategic cooperation in the educational and scientific spheres" and presentations at the round table devoted to the topic "The integration of educational programs of the states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization".

The conference was held in a friendly, businesslike atmosphere. Our speakers were interested in the audience. Asked questions, there were discussions and discussions on the problems studied.

Conducting conferences allows discussing the problems of subject areas, strengthening and expanding the cooperation of teachers and students of universities-partners of the project of the SCO University.

III Youth Forum of Universities of SCO-2018III Youth Forum of Universities of SCO-2018

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