Senior lecturer of «Tourism and catering» Flek A.A. held a field trip to a fast food restaurant network KFC

Senior lecturer of «Tourism and catering» Flek A.A. held a field trip to a fast food restaurant network KFC25 of November 2017 at 11: 00 for students of Tur-32, Rd-24c, was organized and carried out the training at one of the restaurants of the fast food chain KFC.
The class was conducted in the framework of the discipline of «restaurant and hotel business» with the aim to consolidate their theoretical knowledge in practice.
The restaurant staff had an interesting and informative tour of restaurant kitchen, got acquainted with technological processes of cooking, storage of food products, their processing, and organization of the billet and food preparation station processes.
The students learned a lot about methods of cooking format fast food, and were able to try a delicious lunch which was provided by the employees of the company absolutely for free.



Senior lecturer of «Tourism and catering» Flek A.A. held a field trip to a fast food restaurant network KFC

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