The Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank"

The Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank"As part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University in Astana and the Day of the financier 2nd and 3rd course students Kulmagambetova A. (F-22), Kaliaskarova Z. (F22), Blyalova A. ( F21k), Seydrazimov A. (F-33), Kim K. (MN-31) took part in the Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank". The Olympiad was attended by 5 teams from leading universities of the country. According to the results of 5 rounds, as a result of intense struggle the team of KEUK won 2nd place.
The team was headed by the teachers of the Department of Banking and Financial Markets, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Rakhmetova A.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Gusmanova Zh.A., Master Idirissova A.T.


The Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank" The Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank"
The Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank" The Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank"
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