Participation in the work of the round table"All professions are good" in Temirtau

Participation in the work of the round table"All professions are good"  in Temirtau

November 11 this year. at 11.00-13.00 in the career guidance work, the lecturer of the Department of Economic Theory and SLG Yertai Kh. and representatives of the College of Economics, Business and Law Kurmanbekova G.S., Tokmagambetova A.A. took part in the round table "All professions are good", organized by SNS №8 in Temirtau. The round table was attended by representatives of the KSU, KSTU, KSIU, CKA.
In the process of holding the round table students of 11 classes presented their future professions. Representatives of universities and CEBL spoke about the system of higher education of their universities and specialties.
Teachers of the department of ET and SLG KEUK and CEBL Yertai Kh., Kurmanbekova G.S., Tokmagambetova A.A. full information about the image of KEUK and CEBL in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan, about the specialties, about the material and technical base, about student academic mobility in the near and far abroad, about the opportunities for participation in student start-ups and scientific projects.
As a result of the round table, all participants were distributed flyers KEUK.The lecturer of the department of ET and SLG Yertay Kh. is given full information on the image of KEUK in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan, about the specialties, the material and technical base, the student academic mobility in the near and far abroad, the opportunities for participation in student start-ups and scientific projects.
As a result of the round table, all participants were distributed flyers KEUK.



Participation in the work of the round table"All professions are good"  in Temirtau Participation in the work of the round table"All professions are good"  in Temirtau Participation in the work of the round table"All professions are good"  in Temirtau
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