Theatrical performance “His name in the epoch of history - Kazybek byi”

Theatrical performance “His name in the epoch of history - Kazybek byi”There was an event dedicated to the outstanding public figure of Kazakhstan for the 350th anniversary of Kazdauisty Kazybek byi in the library of KEUK. The name of this great orator, public and political figure is written in gold letters in our history. We reconsider and enrich our history, culture and national memory implementing the program “Collective consciousness”.
The sayings of the great orator were heard during the event and everyone liked theatrical performances - the birth of Kazybek byi and the scene in which a historically important moment was recreated - Kazybek byi’s appeal to the Dzungarian ruler during a fierce war: “You are Kalmyk and we are Kazakhs. You are iron and we are coal, which melts iron ...”
Spectators were delighted with thundering good acting of student actors and their costumes.
The event continued with the speech of the Master of Law, senior lecturer of the Legal regulation of economic relations department Amantai A., who revealed the great role of Kazybek byi in the history of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate and the formation of unified state.


Theatrical performance “His name in the epoch of history - Kazybek byi” Theatrical performance “His name in the epoch of history - Kazybek byi” Theatrical performance “His name in the epoch of history - Kazybek byi”
3D тур КЭУ