Platinum lecture on the topic «Karttarym – asyl kazynam»

Platinum lecture on the topic «Karttarym – asyl kazynam»On 29 March, 2017, in the Centre of Educational TV of KEU was held the platinum lecture on the topic: «Karttarym – asyl kazynam» with the participation of the head of the organization of the cultural and mass event of the KSU «MSU of the elderly and disabled № 1 of Karaganda» Isayinova D.S. The lecture was read by the faculty and students of the specialties of the Department of Social Work and Socio-Political Disciplines.


Platinum lecture on the topic «Karttarym – asyl kazynam» Platinum lecture on the topic «Karttarym – asyl kazynam»
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ