Аcademic mobility

Аcademic mobilityIn 2013, a memorandum was signed on business cooperation and KEUK University of Technology MARA (Terengganu, Malaysia), which allowed it to include the school in the program for external mobility.
On the basis of the existing partnership agreement between MARA (Terengganu, Malaysia) and KEUK, 1st year student of the University of Technology MARA, NADA NADHIRAH ABDUL RAHMAN KEUK came to be trained in the specialty "Tourism". On November 21, 2016, it has already started classes, which are held in English. Female student with other students from Malaysia live in the new University dormitory №3. They have already made friends with our students, and who managed to show them the city's main attractions.


Аcademic mobility Аcademic mobility Аcademic mobility
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ