Foreign scientific internship of PhD students of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in Spain.

Foreign scientific internship of PhD students of the Karaganda Economic University of   Kazpotrebsoyuz in Spain.From November 21 to November 30, 2016 doctoral candidates of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz passed a foreign scientific training to Spain (Santiago De Compostela)
The scientific training had consulting and concord character and has been constructed at close work of doctoral candidates and the foreign scientific consultant - the doctor of PHD Manuel Fernandeza of Grella: results of the research work which is carried out by doctoral candidates were presented, questions on dissertation researches were discussed, purposes and recommendations about carrying out further works have been received.
Together with the foreign scientific consultant on a constant basis consultations on subjects of scientific research of doctoral candidates were held. Works on scientific research Santiago de Compostela was carried out on the basis of library stock of University. In parallel doctoral candidates of university conducted work with foreign scientific literature in libraries and scientific centers of Spain.
By results of a scientific training doctoral candidates have been given positive reviews of the scientific consultant M. Grella


Foreign scientific internship of PhD students of the Karaganda Economic University of   Kazpotrebsoyuz in Spain. Foreign scientific internship of PhD students of the Karaganda Economic University of   Kazpotrebsoyuz in Spain.
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