Exit occupation of specialty "customs affairs" department of state revenues of the Karaganda region

Exit occupation of specialty "customs affairs" department of state revenues of the Karaganda regionthe senior lecturer, the master Iskaliyeva M. S. of department common legal and express disciplines gave on November 22, 2016 exit classes with students of specialty "customs affairs" in department of state revenues in the Karaganda region.
The excursion on department of state revenues of the Karaganda region was organized. Students were told about additions and changes of the legislation of customs affairs republic of Kazakhstan, showed to students several departments of activity of customs authorities of RK, customs posts, customs procedures, etc.


Exit occupation of specialty "customs affairs" department of state revenues of the Karaganda region Exit occupation of specialty "customs affairs" department of state revenues of the Karaganda region
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ