Summer internship in laboratories of the world for undergraduates, wishing to enter to PhD program

The competition for participation in the program of summer internships in scientific laboratories of the world – 2020 is announced.

Position of the summer internship program in scientific laboratories of the world – 2020.

I General provisions

1.1.The program "Summer internships in scientific laboratories of the world" provides 17 grants for summer internships in leading scientific and research laboratories of the world (hereinafter – the Program), lasting up to 3 months;

1.2.The program is aimed at supporting talented Kazakhstani students and current researchers who want to get a PhD in the future and engage in scientific activities in Kazakhstan.

1.3.The purpose of the program is to increase the competitiveness of Kazakh students and researchers in applying for PhD through the provision of opportunities to work in the best scientific and research laboratories in the world;

1.4. Participants of the program are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

- current researchers (degree of education is not higher than master's degree);

- undergraduate and graduate students of technical and natural Sciences majoring in Kazakh universities.

1.5. The program grants are distributed as follows;

    - 10 grants are allocated to students of 2-3 courses of bachelor's degree;

    - 7 grants are allocated to students of the last year of bachelor's degree, 1-2 years of master's   degree and current researchers.

 All detailed information is reflected in the PDF document "Summer internships in scientific laboratories of the world".

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ