Civil society and the state of law: problems and prospects

November 26, 2016. Round table to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on “Civil society and the state of law: problems and prospects” was held.
Organizer of the round table – the Research Institute of Economics and Legal Studies.
Head of the Department of Justice of Karaganda region A.N. Zhusupov, Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region M.T. Bozhbanov; Chairman of the Eurasian Association of Entrepreneurs Z.T. Aldangarov; Executive Director of the PO “Association of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region” S.M. Sanaubaev; President of PF "Illumination", the director of PI “Center for conflict resolution – Dialogue” T.I. Savitskaya; President of PI “MediaLive” O.A. Volkova was invited. The round table was attended by Director of the Research Institute of New economy and Systems analysis, Doctor of Economic Science, Professor K.S. Ainabek; Leading researcher of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent, M.T. Kakimzhanov, Senior Researcher of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK B.K. Syzdyk; Sociologist PI “MediaLive” S.P. Frolov; researchers, professors and lecturers, undergraduate and graduate students. As a result, participants were given certificates.


Civil society and the state of law: problems and prospects Civil society and the state of law: problems and prospects Civil society and the state of law: problems and prospects
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