Regional scientific-practical conference "Regulation of social and labor relations"

November 23, 2016. Regional scientific-practical conference “Regulation of social and labor relations” was held in the building of the People's Democratic Party “Nur Otan”. The organizers of the conference – the regional akimat in cooperation with the PI “Center for Conflict Resolution – Dialogue”. participants from our university: the director of HR Department Yu.N. Eremin; Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor N.A. Minzhanov; Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent E.Zh. Esengaraev; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Docent V.I. Berezyuk; Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent, Senior Researcher of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK B.K. Syzdyk; Docent V.B. Dubrova; Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Lecturer N.A. Saulebek; Senior Lecturer S. Hauiya; Senior Lecturer A.S. Orynbekov; PhD E.D. Orynbasarova; Master A.R. Ibraeva and others.
Docent E.Zh. Esengaraev and Docent B.K. Syzdyk made statements to theplenary. Also, Docent, Senior Researcher of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK B.K. Syzdyk was elected as a moderator for the first section.


Regional scientific-practical conference "Regulation of social and labor relations" Regional scientific-practical conference "Regulation of social and labor relations" Regional scientific-practical conference "Regulation of social and labor relations"
Regional scientific-practical conference "Regulation of social and labor relations" Regional scientific-practical conference "Regulation of social and labor relations"
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