Open Day "Innovative university - students creative thinking!"

Open Day "Innovative university - students creative thinking!"April 8, 2016 at the university on the eve of 50 - anniversary of the university held an Open Day "Innovative university - students creative thinking!" For graduates of schools and colleges of Karaganda and Karaganda region.
A meeting with the head of the Youth Resource Centre "Astana - Zhastary", the famous Kazakh actor, musician, producer Anuar Nurpeisov held in motivational training format, "11 elements of success", which aroused particular interest among the participants.
Prior to the beginning of the program have been organized: 2 flashmob quiz on information KEUK, a tour of the university.
In the organization of the Open Day employees SDD and CEFDL responsible for career guidance teachers work departments were involved, student volunteers faculties.




Open Day "Innovative university - students creative thinking!"

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