Scientific traineeship of masters of Karaganda Economical University at St. Petersburg State University.

In the period from March 21 to March 30, 2016 the 2nd year masters of scientific and pedagogical direction of the specialties 6M050700 "Management", 6M051000 "State and local management», 6M051100 "Marketing" took part in the foreign scientific traineeship at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (Russian Federation , Saint Petersburg).
Within the basic program of traineeship on the topic "Modern approaches to management, marketing, and public administration in the context of globalization: strategic aspect" leading professors and associate professors of St. Petersburg State University of Economics presented to the masters of KEU a number of aspects of administrative activity carried out at the macro , meso and micro levels, as well as a range of issues related to the management of human resources of the region in modern conditions, management of energy efficiency and resource saving, government regulation, and regional support of business innovation, management of state and municipal property, personnel policy in the system of state and municipal government, and others. The practical part of scientific traineeship was hold on the basis of business incubator "Ingria", in the framework of which the masters took part in the presentation of innovative projects.
Within the scientific part of the program of traineeship masters carried out the work with foreign scientific and educational literature in the library of St. Petersburg State University of Economics.


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