Round table on the theme "Religious extremism in the context of national and regional security"

Round table on the theme "Religious extremism in the context of national and regional security"March 30, 2016 in celebration of the 50th anniversary of KEU, the chair "World Economy and International Relations" and "Economic Theory and SLG" held a round table on the theme "Religious extremism in the context of national and regional security". The moderator of the round table was a senior lecturer of the chair "World Economy and International Relations" Syzdykbekov E.S.


Round table on the theme "Religious extremism in the context of national and regional security" Round table on the theme "Religious extremism in the context of national and regional security"
Round table on the theme "Religious extremism in the context of national and regional security" Round table on the theme "Religious extremism in the context of national and regional security"
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