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  • Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Saint Petersburg State Economic University

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Saint Petersburg State Economic University

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Saint Petersburg State Economic UniversityIn the period of March 9 – March 18, 2016 second year graduate students of research and pedagogical focus areas (6M050600"Economics", 6M090200 "Tourism") undertook an international research internship held at Saint Petersburg State Economic University (Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg).
In the framework of the primary internship program "Conditions and tendencies of the development of economy and its sectors: cross-country aspects", the graduate students of KEU and leading professors of the above stated University have uncovered a wide range of issues connected to the development of modern economy in Russia, solution of world economic problems, and the development of strategic models for development of modern international businesses. They have also covered some of the questions related to the enhancement of the investment activities and optimization of economic activities of enterprises functioning in various business spheres.
In the framework of the research component of the internship program, the graduate students worked with international scientific and educational literature sources at the Library of Saint Petersburg State Economic University. The results of the work will be reflected in the master's theses of the graduate students.


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