National Student League Basketball

National Student League BasketballWomen's national team DEs Kazpotrebsoyuz took second place in the tournament of the National Student League Basketball.
Congratulations to the team with great success!
From 11 to 14 December 2015, in Astana, on the basis of the "Nazarbayev University" held the final game of the National Student League Basketball.
Women's basketball team of our University took second place, losing only in the final of the national team experienced the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University in Almaty, which stands in the premier league championship of Kazakhstan.

National Student League Basketball National Student League Basketball National Student League Basketball
National Student League Basketball   National Student League Basketball

During the tournament, our girls won the team:
The al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a score of 35:21;
Kazakh Agro-Technical University of Astana with a score of 34:17.
Selfless victory over the team of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism of Almaty with a score of 41:39 allowed our girls to properly represent our university in the final.
Although occupied second place success and progress of our girls is obvious.
Men's team DEs took 4th place, losing to "comforting" the game for the third place team KSTU with the score 33:38.
Results Games men's basketball team:
DEs - ENU. 24:30 Gumilyov
DEs - Kazakh Agro Technical University 52:57
DEs - Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi 66:37.

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