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  • Role play with a group of the UA-41k, and to the staff of the department of "Banking" Gusmanova J.A., Yermekova K.A. and Issanov A.S.

Role play with a group of the UA-41k, and to the staff of the department of "Banking" Gusmanova J.A., Yermekova K.A. and Issanov A.S.

Role play with a group of the UA-41k, and to the staff of the department of "Banking" Gusmanova J.A., Yermekova K.A. and Issanov A.S.Lecturer of the Department of "Banking" docent J.A. Gusmanova November 30, 2015 held a business game on "Accounting for comercial banks' involving a group of UA-41, and to the staff of the department of" Banking " Yermekov K.A.. Issanov A.S.


Role play with a group of the UA-41k, and to the staff of the department of "Banking" Gusmanova J.A., Yermekova K.A. and Issanov A.S. Role play with a group of the UA-41k, and to the staff of the department of "Banking" Gusmanova J.A., Yermekova K.A. and Issanov A.S. Role play with a group of the UA-41k, and to the staff of the department of "Banking" Gusmanova J.A., Yermekova K.A. and Issanov A.S.
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