International Student Online Conference

International Student Online ConferenceOn 2nd of April 2015 the department "Economics and Management" of KEUK together with Bashkir State Agrarian University conducted the international student online conference.
Moderator of the conference was appointed from KEUK –, docent Omarkhanova J.M., from Bashkir SAU moderator of the conference was, professor of the organization and management department Kuznetsova A.R.
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management professor Gimranova G.I. gave a welcome speech. Professor Gimranova G.I. wished all participants fruitful work.

In the conference were presented interesting and informative reports of BSAU students: report on the analysis of the status and prospects of development of the agricultural sector in Uzbekistan (speaker - 1st year student of the BSAU Faculty of Economics training program "Management" Khodzhaev D.); report on the development of agriculture in Kazakhstan (speaker - 1st year student of the Faculty of Economics of BSAU training program "Management" Kuatova A.); report on the development of agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan (speaker first year graduate student of the Faculty of Economics of BSAU Mambetova L.). There were also reports of the creative first-year students of the "Management" specialty: Idiatullina D., Atamuratova A., Valiullina A. They have gained good experience in public speaking.
Students of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Karaganda Economic University presented the reports, which reflected the modern trends and the potentials of agricultural development. Reports of Alimbaeva Ainur ,Arynova Meruert and Kerimov Habib aroused much interest and discussion. No less interesting were the reports of Zhirenbaevoy Anel "About the prospects of development in Kazakhstan organic agriculture", Glotova Eugeniya "Problems of innovation and technological development in the AIC of Kazakhstan" and Tanirbergen Bota "Analysis of the market for agricultural products".
Head of Department professor Salzhanova Z.A. and professor of Doskaliyeva B.B. thanked the students and scientific advisors for informative reports, expressed special gratitude to the organizers of the conference - the PTS and students of the Bashkir State Agrarian University.

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