Modern approaches to career guidance: exchange of experience at the conference

Modern approaches to career guidance: exchange of experience at the conference

On March 14, 2025, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted the conference "ProfStart: prospects and opportunities" with the participation of representatives of organizations of the Karaganda region.

The conference is organized by the Center for Professional Guidance and Public Relations of the University in cooperation with the State Institution "Department of Education of the Karaganda region" and the Samga academy educational center.

The conference discussed current changes in career guidance, effective strategies for interacting with potential applicants, new technologies and career guidance tools, and considered theoretical and practical issues of organizing joint career guidance.

The Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Professor G.E. Nakipova, delivered a welcoming speech.

Babur Adilkhan, an invited coach, expert in the field of self-development and Gallup test, gave practical recommendations and analysis-consultations of the tests conducted to determine the professional orientation of applicants. Babur Adilkhan emphasized the scale of the material and technical equipment of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

During the conference, the university established contacts with invited experts, the directors of the main schools, and the methodologists of the education departments. Agreements have been reached on further cooperation and exchange of experience.

Video report from the event

Modern approaches to career guidance: exchange of experience at the conference Modern approaches to career guidance: exchange of experience at the conference Modern approaches to career guidance: exchange of experience at the conference
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