Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal!

Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal!

Nauryz in Kazakhstan is a nationwide radiant holiday of spring, friendship, love and fertility! It is celebrated on March 22 on the day of the vernal equinox. On this day, the heavenly bodies - constellations and stars, after a year-long cycle, come to the points of their initial stay and begin a new path - a circle.
On the eve of the Nauryz Meiram holiday, the Department of "Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" organized a round table: "Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal."
The round table was attended by: Duman Bazarkeevich Malaev, Head of the department of scientific and expert support and methodological support “Kogamdyk kelisim” of the internal policy department of the Karaganda region, teachers of the department of “Socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” and students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz.



Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal! Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal!
Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal! Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal!
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