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International Olympiad «Modern trends in the sustainable development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks»

International Olympiad «Modern trends in the sustainable development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks»

On December 14, 2023, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, under the leadership of the Finance Department, hosted the International Olympiad "Modern Trends in sustainable Development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks", dedicated to the celebration of the event "Financier's Day", as well as Independence Day and the 30th anniversary of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main purpose of the Olympiad was to reveal the creative potential of students and attract potential applicants, as well as to promote financial literacy among young people.

Teams from more than 30 schools, colleges, as well as leading universities in Russia and Kazakhstan, including L.N. Gumilev ENU, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kazan Cooperative Institute of the Russian University of Cooperation, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Turan University, Almaty Technological University, presented their startup projects.

The large-scale and exciting event was held at a high scientific, methodological and organizational level, and also reflected current trends in science and education. In practice, the principles of interdisciplinarity, continuity of education and continuity in school-university relations have been implemented.

Evaluators of knowledge and project protection conducted a jury consisting of the following:

  1. Head of the Treasury Department for the Karaganda region of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Saparova Zh. B.
  2. Advisor to the branch of the CF JSC "BankCeknrKredit" - Syzdykova R. A.
  3. Commercial Director of Maker LLP - Alekseeva Svetlana Sergeevna
  4. Deputy Director of DB VTB BANK JSC - Nurlyby D.R.
  5. Head of OMTS LLP "Maker" - Khamziev O.Z.
  6. Head of the card business center of CF JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" - Musina Zh.N.
  7. Head of the Department of lending to individuals of the CF of Bereke Bank JSC - Bimurzin Zh.R.

According to the results of the Olympiad, all participants and winners were awarded diplomas and certificates.



International Olympiad «Modern trends in the sustainable development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks» International Olympiad «Modern trends in the sustainable development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks»
International Olympiad «Modern trends in the sustainable development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks» International Olympiad «Modern trends in the sustainable development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks»


Оценщиками знаний и защиты проектов являлось жюри в следующем составе:

  1. Руководитель Департамента казначейства по Карагандинской области Министерства Финансов РК - Сапарова Ж. Б.
  2. Советник филиала КФ АО «БанкЦекнрКредит» - Сыздыкова Р. А.
  3. Коммерческий директор ТОО «Мэйкер»- Алексеева Светлана Сергеевна
  4. Заместитель директора ДБ АО «ВТБ БАНК»- Нурлыбый Д.Р.
  5. Начальник ОМТС ТОО «Мэйкер» - Хамзиев О..З.
  6. Начальник центра карточного бизнеса КФ АО «Народный Банк Казахстана» - Мусина Ж.Н.
  7. Начальник отдела кредитования физических лиц КФ АО «Береке Банк»- Бимурзин Ж.Р.

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