The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events

The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events

As part of the career guidance work, on November 29 this year, an intellectual game "Assessment activities in the development of the economy of Kazakhstan" was held at the university for students of grades 9-11 of secondary schools in the Karaganda region.

The main objectives of the intellectual game were: identification and development of creative abilities of students of educational institutions, stimulation of their educational and cognitive activities and assistance to them in professional orientation and continuing education.

The game was held in 3 stages: business card; presentation of the specialty; blitz tournament.

Game Results:

1st place

The school named afterNurken Abdirova

KSU Lyceum School No. 1Saran

2nd place


KSU Lyceum School No. 1Saran

3rd place

KSU OSH No. 17


KSU OSH No.6, Saran

Also on November 30, an intellectual game "I am AN APPRAISER" was held in an online format via ZOOM. The teaching staff, together with the "Metropolitan Chamber of Professional Appraisers" of Astana city, organized this event.

The teams took part in the game:

Karaganda Banking College;

Karaganda Higher College "Bolashaq";

Aktobe Construction and Installation College;

"European Higher College of Economics, Business and Law".

The winners were awarded diplomas from the "Metropolitan Chamber of Professional Appraisers" and certificates. The first degree diploma entitles you to participate free of charge in one of the events of the "Metropolitan Chamber of Professional Appraisers" during 2024.

Congratulations to the winners and wish them creative success!


The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events
The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events The Department of Ecology and Assessment held a number of events
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ