Winning the video contest "Your 'No!' matters"

Winning the video contest "Your 'No!' matters"

On October 25, 2023, the anticorruption forum "Your "No!" was held, organized by the Department of Youth Policy of the Karaganda region together with the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region. Within the framework of the forum, the results of the regional anti-corruption video contest "Your "No!" matters" were summed up.

According to the results of the competition, the work of a student of the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies, Chairman of the Student Parliament of the University Eginbai Muhamedkaly became the best of 65 videos. Prizes and diplomas were awarded by Deputy Akim of the region Kusayyn E.B. and First Deputy Head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region Arystanbekov A.A.

The main purpose of the event is to instill intolerance to corruption among young people, to talk about methods of fighting corruption and to explain what the consequences of corrupt actions are. Holding such events arouses genuine public interest in the problem of combating corruption.

In such a creative format, the youth expressed their opinion about the negative consequences of corruption situations, about anti-corruption measures and the problems of their implementation.

Thanks to the initiatives of young people, new ideas and technologies are being put into practice, new views on solving urgent problems are emerging.

Congratulations to Eginbai Muhamedkaly and wish you creative ideas and creative inspiration!



Winning the video contest "Your 'No!' matters" Winning the video contest "Your 'No!' matters"
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