ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігінің ғылыми жобасын іске асыру жоспары бойынша іссапар (2)
As part of the implementation of the scientific project "Criminal law and criminological measures to ensure safety during mining or construction work" IRN AR 19675171 in the period from October 22 to 30, 2023, a business trip of members of the research group Abieva E.S. (Master of law, senior lecturer) took place and Mazhit I.B. (Master's student) in Zhezkazgan.
In accordance with the implementation plan of the grant project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, meetings were held with the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of JSC "Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurov", the General director of the corporation "Kazakhmys" Baynyazov Zh.T., the head of safety of the corporation "Kazakhmys" Daurykbaev M., the management of the construction organization LLP "Kazakhmys" Butkova T.N., chairman of the city court G. Satpayev S.T. Isabaev, chairman of the city court G. Zhezkazgan Shortanbaev Zh.B., Deputy head of the Investigation and Inquiry Department of the Police Department of the region Ulytau Zhampeisov S.A., the leadership of the district police department of Zhezkazgan Saduakasov A.S., the leadership of the city police Department ofSatpayev Mnaidarov A.R.
The participants of the research group conducted a survey of employees on the developed questionnaire for the organization of the safety of these types of work.
Also, statistical data on terminated criminal cases initiated under Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied, regulatory documents regulating the safety of labor protection, the organization of safety of employees of mining and construction works of the corporation were studied.
In total, during the business trip, materials were collected and processed:
criminal cases – 5; court verdicts – 3; discontinued criminal case materials – 4; a survey was conducted of 10 employees of mining and construction enterprises, 15 investigators and interrogators, 4 judges.
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