Development of spiritual and moral values among students

Development of spiritual and moral values among students

The current situation in the globalizing world draws our attention to the problem of preserving the unique spirituality and culture of our country. The change of political and economic systems has led to the destruction of the traditional system of values. Mastering the culture of interpersonal communication involves the assimilation of social, moral norms, principles and values. Only through the processes of socialization is it possible to transform social relations.

So, on November 15 of this year, an event called "Meeting of Generations" was held at our university, the purpose of which is to educate the spiritual culture of students, the formation of their sustained interest in aesthetic values.

The following people were invited to the event:

Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Karaganda region, Professor of Karaganda Medical University Molotov-Luchansky Vilen Borisovich;

Director of the Institute of Conflict Resolution and Mediation Alshimbayeva Gulnara Amankulovna;

Head of the Department of scientific and expert support and methodological support of "Kogamdyk kelisim" Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region Malaev Duman Bazarkeevich.

The event began with a solemn speech by Vice-Rector for Social Affairs Almas Sabitula Orynbekov.

During the event, invited guests, the head of the Department of Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, teachers of the Department, undergraduates made presentations on issues of spirituality and moral principles of man, maintaining stability and tolerance in modern society.


Development of spiritual and moral values among students Development of spiritual and moral values among students Development of spiritual and moral values among students
Development of spiritual and moral values among students Development of spiritual and moral values among students Development of spiritual and moral values among students
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