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  • Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

On September 24-30 the director of NIIEPI Khanov T.A. and the head of the grant project AP 19676691 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RK Bashirov A.V. visited St. Petersburg State University of Economics. During the visit meetings with the faculty of the university were held, questionnaires and interviewing of experts were conducted.

Meetings were organized with the head of the Department for the development of youth scientific research SPbSEU Androsenko N.V., the head of the department of organizing competitions and Olympiads of students Kolbina A.D., the head of the department of coordination of scientific activities of students. A.A. Tryapitsina, head of the department of coordination of scientific activity of students, discussed problematic issues of the organization of research and development activities

We would like to emphasize the importance of the meeting with the Director of the Institute of Economic Security, Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Law, Head of the Department of Economic Security of SPbSEU Dronov R.V., Associate Professor Grafov A.A., staff of the above-mentioned Institute and faculty of the Department.

Russian colleagues published information about our visit.



Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
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