"Job fair-2020" continues!

Youth practice is organized for graduates of educational organizations in order for graduates to get initial work experience in their profession (specialty).
An employer is most often interested in hiring an employee with work experience. In this case, the state comes to the aid of yesterday's graduates by implementing the programs "with a diploma in the village", "Youth practice "and"Youth personnel reserve".

In other words, this is a great opportunity to find a job right after graduation!

How do I do this? Where can I find such a job? How long does Youth practice last? How much will I get at this time? Many, many questions may arise from our graduate students.
These and other questions can be answered by the director of the KSU "employment center of the akimat of Karaganda" Syzdykov Nurzhan Khamitovich and the head of the Employer Support Department Asem Zhakanova.

We will meet tomorrow, November 19 at 16:00h on the ZOOM platform.
The conference ID: 298 060 2273
Access code: 112233.

Be sure to come! Add to your knowledge of various job opportunities in the summer of 2021!


Congratulations to the students of OP «Ecology» of the Department of ecology and assessment , Amantay Ayymbek and Tursynbayeva Lyazzat on receiving a grant for training from the KAZENERGY Association!
Please accept our sincere congratulations from the faculty of the Department of ecology and assessment. We wish you to become excellent specialists not only in the field of your profession, but also in the field of success, well-being and prosperity.


Advertisement!!!In order to systematically involve students, undergraduates, and doctoral students in research activities through educational and organizational support for the creation and incubation of youth innovation projects, the formation of competencies that allow combining research, project and entrepreneurial activities, a Calendar of events of the Dostyk Coworking center for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students for the 1st semester of the 2020-2021 academic year has been developed. We will inform you about the specific dates of the events through the responsible for the research work of students.


KEUK in the International ranking of higher education institutions (ARES-2020)
Processing of Ares-2020 rating data has ended.
ARES is the international ranking of universities. Specialists evaluate the quality of education and strategies to improve it. They also evaluate international activities, relations with employers, research and regional significance of the University. Indicators are processed automatically in ARES, excluding the so-called human factor, and European higher education standards are used as criteria in the assessment.

ARES uses state-of-the-art information technology, which makes it possible to collect and process a large amount of data automatically every year. The main responsibility of the University is to provide excellent education, with which the rector's office and the teaching staff cope perfectly, which allows the University to firmly hold its position in the world ranking.
From the 100% rating scale, ARES gives:
- 35% of education assessment (application of new technologies in education, monitoring the quality of education, teacher training, creation of innovative infrastructures, etc.);
- 20% - scientific research;
- 15% - international activity;
- 15% - communication with employers;
- 15% - regional significance of the University.
All these criteria are met by KEUK!

Уважаемый абитуриент!

Уважаемый абитуриент!

Доводим до сведения, что прием заявлений на ЕНТ, которое будет проводится в июне – июле месяце 2020 года, от выпускников школ прошлых лет, от выпускников колледжей, от лиц, окончивших организации образования за рубежом, от лиц казахской национальности, не являющихся гражданами Республики Казахстан и от лиц, зачисленных до завершения первого академического периода в текущем учебном году будут приниматься с 20 апреля по 10 мая 2020 года.

Поступающий с 20 апреля через сайт http://ent2020.testcenter.kz (ОН-ЛАЙН) может подать предварительное заявление на ЕНТ (возможно после прохождения регистрации).

В данном интерфейсе поступающему, после ввода своей личной информации, предоставлено два разных способа оплаты: банковской карточкой или Kaspi.kz (с обязательной кнопкой оплаты). В этом случае нет необходимости подтверждать оплату или сдавать квитанцию.

Стоимость тестирования остается прежней и составляет 2242 тенге.

После завершения режима ЧП поступающий в ВУЗ должен представить следующие документы:

1) Заявление (подается в вузе);

2) две фотографии размером 3 x 4;

3) документ о среднем, техническом и профессиональном или послесреднем образовании (подлинник);

4) копию документа, удостоверяющего личность;

5) медицинскую справку по форме 086-У в электронной форме.

По всем вопросам обращаться по телефону – 8 775 118 77 77

Press release

April 9-10, 2020 at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz will host the V International Student Conference "Modern Youth: Creating Innovation - Striving for the Future" in online format. The conference is attended by doctoral students, undergraduates and students of higher educational institutions.
Venue: Online conference on the ZOOM platform (zoom.us)
Date: April 9-10, 2020
Time: 14:00
Organizers: Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The international student conference covers the following areas:
- social sciences and humanities: philosophy, sociology, conflictology, religious studies, philology, history, pedagogy, psychology, political science, jurisprudence and international relations;
- economic sciences and entrepreneurship: economics, management, finance, accounting, marketing, business, services, the hospitality and tourism industry, logistics, state and local government, ecology, national economy management;
- technical sciences: information technology, mathematical and physical modeling, physicotechnical and chemical production processes, energy, production organization and production technology, standardization and certification.
The purpose of the conference: the development of student science, the identification and support of talented youth.

Dear undergraduates, doctoral students, graduates and KEUK teachers!

LLP USTUDY provides the opportunity to pass and conduct international TOEFL and IELTS tests as part of the PPP MES RK program with the support of BRITISH COUNCIL in the city of Karaganda.
Undergraduates and doctoral students - this gives a great opportunity to pass and determine the level of English language proficiency without leaving the city limits and get the opportunity to enter a graduate and doctoral study program on a budgetary basis.
When recruiting groups of 10 people or more, a discount from the USTUDY LLP company applies.
We are waiting for you our potential entrants!

Download this file (english.pdf)english.pdf2661 kB


March 12, 2020
The chairs of the “Russian and Foreign languages”
and “World Economy and International relations” are held an
intellectual game “EXPERTS OF LANGUAGES” among the pupils of 11 classes of Karaganda secondary schools
Phone number: 87011612091 Nurkeeva B.A.


On February 29, 2020, the presentation of the monograph "Criminal law protection of transport safety under the legislation of Kazakhstan and Russia" (Moscow, «ЮрЛитИнформ» publishing house, 2020) will be held at the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The presentation is conducted by the authors of the monograph: D.l.s., prof. Bakishev K. A. (KEUK, Kazakhstan) and D.l.s., prof. Chuchaev A.I. (Moscow state law University named after Kutafin О. Е., Russia).
The presentation will be followed by a lecture on "Crimes against justice: problems of theory and law enforcement". Reads D.l.s., prof. Chuchaev A. I.
The presentation will start at 10:00 in the auditorium # 104.
Teachers of departments, students, undergraduates and doctoral students of educational institutions of Karaganda are invited.

«HR Day»

day hr

  • Are you looking for a job?
  • Would you like a bright resume?
  • Would you like to prepare for an interview or interview?
  • Want to find the right company for yourself?
  • Want to know which solution will be more favorable for you?
  • Want to know what is important to you in the process of approaching the goal?
  • If you want to have a test interview If you got more “Yes” answers, then we are waiting for you on Fridays from 15:00 to 17:00 in 107 office (next to the admissions office).
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