Seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region"

Seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region"March 29, 2017 teachers of the Department of WE and IR Arystan M.I., Talimova G.U., Shukusheva E.V., and students of the specialties "World Economy" and "International Relations" took part in the seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region", organized and held by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region in cooperation with the official foreign trade authority of Hong Kong - the Council for the Development of Trade.
During the seminar were considered specifics of China's economic development at the current stage, the direction of development of China's industrial production and consumer market, the specifics of conducting joint business of domestic enterprises with Chinese companies, the advantages of taxation in Hong Kong, the functions of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in assisting Kazakh companies in searching Suppliers and business organizations in China.



On April 7, 2017 at 10.00 o'clock the Department of Economics and Management of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz conducts the Regional Olympiad in Economics for pupils of 9-11 forms of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and students of colleges.
The Organizing Committee asks the interested directors of secondary schools to provide a list of participating students before April 5, 2017.
The situation, the scenario of the Olympiad in economics and the application form can be downloaded on the website below

Phone for information: 44-16-34, 44-16-24 (internal 185), mob. 87024669986
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Artist: Zulkharnay Aziz Nurlanuly

Platinum lecture on the topic «Providing social assistance by non-governmental organizations»

Platinum lecture on the topic «Providing social assistance by non-governmental organizations»On 15 March, 2017, in the Centre of Educational TV of KEU was held the platinum lecture on the topic: «Provision of social assistance by non-governmental organizations» with the participation of the Director of the PA «Credo», PhD, Professor Nadezhda Kozachenko. The lecture was read by the faculty and students of the specialties of the Department of Social Work and Socio-Political Disciplines.

Regional competition of scientific works of school leavers and college "The role of foreign trade factor in the development of the country's economy"

Regional competition of scientific works of school leavers and college "The role of foreign trade factor in the development of the country's economy"Department of World Economy and International Relations within the framework of the departmental theme of research "Foreign trade policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage" held a regional competition of scientific works of school leavers and college "The role of foreign trade factor in the development of the country's economy."
The purpose of this competition is the development of creative abilities, the activation of scientific activity of graduates of schools and colleges, the development of interaction between institutions of secondary and secondary vocational education and the Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
On 10th March, 2007 at the open door of the FEM, the winners of the regional competition of scientific works of school and college graduates "The role of foreign trade factor in the development of the country's economy" were awarded.

Interactive lecture "Innovative methods of prevention of religious extremism"

Interactive lecture "Innovative methods of prevention of religious extremism"

On March 15, 17 the Department of Ecology and Evaluation held an event within the framework of the discussion of the Address of the Head of State "The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan - Global Competitiveness". With an interactive lecture "Innovative methods for the prevention of religious extremism", the expert on self-regulation, psychologist Smagulov Tolegen Muratovich addressed the faculty staff and students of the specialties "Ecology" and "Evaluation". There was a lively discussion of topical issues of the formation of modern thinking, "zero" tolerance for manifestations of religious extremism, and the situation in the sphere of religion.

Дебатный турнир «Улучшение кDebate tournament "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects"ачества человеческого капитала: проблемы и перспективы». (2)

Дебатный турнир «Улучшение кDebate tournament "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects"ачества человеческого капитала: проблемы и перспективы». (2)15 Mar 2017. Department of commodity and certification organized debate tournament in the framework of clarification of the message of the President N..Nazarbayev dated January 31, 2017. "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" on the theme: "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects". The tournament was attended by students 1 and 2 courses of the University. Tournament participants were awarded with certificates and prizes for taken I, II, III places, also individual participants rated the following nominations: "Best speaker", "Best judge" and "Best endeavor".

Round table: "Non-fulfillment by parents of maintenance obligations with regard to their underage children"

Round table: "Non-fulfillment by parents of maintenance obligations with regard to their underage children"On March 14, 2017, the Department of total juridical and special disciplines organized a round table on the topic "Non-fulfillment by parents of maintenance obligations with regard to their underage children". The following persons participated in the roundtable: deputy prosecutor of the Kazybek bi district of Karaganda Nazarbekov S.T., Imam of the Muslim Spiritual Board of Kazakhstan of the branch of the Republican religious association Abdildaev B.K., archpriest of the local Orthodox religious association "Parish of the Vvedensky Cathedral of the city of Karaganda , Karaganda and Shakhtinsk Diocese " Mikhail Patrikeev, senior judicial officer of the South-Eastern Territorial Department for the Execution of Judicial Acts of the City of Karaganda Sattibayev G.G. and students of the specialty "Jurisprudence". The speeches of the participants of the round table aroused great interest among the audience, a lively dialogue was held, many questions were asked.

Nauryz holida

Nauryz holidaKaraganda Economic University invites all teachers, staff and students to celebrate the "Nauryz holiday” on March 18th, 2017. The holiday begins at the university area at 10 a.m., where the national Kazakh yurt will be installed with all furnishings. The organizers have already prepared a colorful and an interesting programme " It's a Happy Nauryz...", during which both national arts and national traditions will be demonstrated. You will know about the hunting culture of Kazakhs using hunting birds (hunting with Berkut) and dogs.

The discussion of reforms in education of the Council of the Accounting and Finance Faculty

The discussion of reforms in education of the Council of the Accounting and Finance FacultyOn the March of 10th, 2017 in the Accounting and Finance Faculty have conducted the Council of the Faculty in support of reforms implemented in higher education. Teachers, employees and students of the faculty took part in the work of the Council. With yours reports were made a Dean of Faculty, doctor of economic sciences, professor Nakipova G.Y., associate professor of the “FTI” Chair Ulakov N.S., associate professor of the “IAS” Chair Ayazhanov K.S., Chairman of the Board of Curators, associate professor of the “Bkg” Chair Saifullena Y.M., student of Log-31k group Bekezhan A. In an unusual format were discussed modern trends in the development and modernization of the national education system.

The meeting of the Academic Council on the reform of education

The meeting of the Academic Council on the reform of educationThe meeting of the Academic Council was held in Karaganda Economic University on March 7, 2017, which addressed issues related to education reform, criticized in social networks.
The actual reform that is being conducted in Kazakhstan today is the development of a multilingual education, the formation of a multilingual population in the modern conditions of a globalizing world.
The problem of position and the perspective of the language situation in modern Kazakhstan are reflected by the President of the country in the language strategy "Trinity of languages". According to the idea of the head of state, the positive development of trilingualism is possible only if there is a single political, ideological and cultural platform.
And today the teachers of universities have the most important task - to study modern methods of teaching of the discipline in English in leading universities of the world and to introduce them into the educational process with the goal of forming a professional poly-lingual personality.
Since November 2016, the Center for Multilingual Education has started functioning at the university; the process of implementation of multilingual education: the disciplines are developed in English, a contingent of trainees is identified, their knowledge is monitored, and qualified teachers are engaged.

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