• Платонус

  • ATTENTION! From January 20, 2021, the official name of the university was changed to "PRIVATE INSTITUTION "KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ" All contracts concluded before the date of re-registration are valid until the conditions are fully met. Please take into account the change in the name of the university when sending documents to our address.


Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

October 18 is the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The date dates back to 1992, when the first World Congress of Spiritual Harmony took place in Kazakhstan. On the occasion of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, a round table was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic: “Problems of secular...
Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Our university hosted the presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program, which opens up new opportunities for talented graduates and professionals. The program provides a unique chance to become a teacher in regional schools of the country."We recruit and select promising graduates/leaders of leading...
The University's Career Center has received international recognition!

The University's Career Center has received international recognit...

The Career Center of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University has become a full member of the Kazakhstan Career Development Association (KazCDA), affiliated with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA). The certificate confirms the active participation of the Center in the activities of...
A lecture by an international UN expert was held at the University

A lecture by an international UN expert was held at the University

On October 10, 2024, the university hosted a lecture for students and teachers by the International Expert of the International Organization for Migration of the United Nations Agency Kenbaev Zhangali Aitkalievich on the topic: "The Law on Combating Human Trafficking as the next stage of the legal...
Visit of university representatives to the leading universities of St. Petersburg under the grant project AP 19676691

Visit of university representatives to the leading universities of...

In accordance with the calendar plan of the AP 19676691 EOM grant project, from September 30 to October 6, 2024, the Director of NIIEPI, Doctor of Law, Professor T.A. Khanov and the project manager, Ph.D. Bashirov A.V., visited St. Petersburg State University of Economics and St. Petersburg University...
Practical lesson: students met with a professional psychotherapist

Practical lesson: students met with a professional psychotherapist

Modern education requires not only theoretical training, but also the study of practical aspects of the chosen profession. The cooperation of universities with professional specialists helps students to expand their knowledge and gain valuable experience.On October 7, 2024, within the framework of...

• Text editor - Microsoft Word;
• Times New Roman, 11 point font (for the main text);
• Single line spacing;
• Margins: head, bottom, right, left - 2 cm;
• Indention - 1 cm
The volume of manuscripts in the specified format should not exceed 8 pages.

Obligatory elements:
• the universal decimal classification index, which should reflect the research area of publication in details; indention; Times New Roman 11 point font;
• the name (in capital letters) and the surname of the author (co-authors) (in capital letters) in the Russian, Kazakh and English languages, Times New Roman 10 point font, italic;
• information about the authors: regalia, institution and contact information (in Russian, Kazakh and English), Times New Roman 10 point font, italic;
• manuscript title must be in capital letters, bold type (in Russian, Kazakh and English), Times New Roman 11 point font, later indention;
• manuscript's abstract and key words must be in Russian, Kazakh and English, Times New Roman 10 point font.

Please, pay attention that abbreviations must be in the original language (in other language formats full transcript should be given).

Recommended structure:
1. Problem statement.
2. Analysis of the recent research and publications.
3. Selection of the unsolved aspects of the problem.
4. Purpose of the study.
5. Main results.

See example (in Russian, Kazakh and English)

UDC 378(574)

(paragraph indention)

Андрей ИВАНОВ, доктор философских наук, профессор, Карагандинский экономический университет Казпотребсоюза, 100009, Республика Казахстан, г. Караганда, ул. Академическая, 9, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +77212441578


Данная статья рассматривает основные аспекты развития конфессиональной идентичности в эпоху модерна. Особое внимание уделяется   неоднозначности оценок «секулярной эпохи» и последствий, созданного ею секулярного проекта для религиозной идентичности эпохи постмодерна.  

Ключевые слова: секуляризация, конфессия, идентичность.

(paragraph indention)

Андрей ИВАНОВфилософия ғылымдарының докторы, профессор, Қазтұтынуодағы Қарағанды экономикалық университеті, 100009,Қазақстан республикасы, Қарағанды қ., Академическая көш., 9, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +77212441578


Аталмыш мақала модерн заманындағы конфессиялық бірдейліктің даму негізгі аспектілерін қарастырады. «Секулярлық заманды» және постмодерн заманының бірдейлігі үшін онымен жасалған жобаның салдарын бағалаудың бір мәнді еместігіне баса назар аударылады.

Түйінді сөздер: секуляризация, конфессия, бірдейлік.

(paragraph indention)

Andrei IVANOV, Doctor of Philosophy, professor professor,Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 100009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Akademicheskaya str. 9,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +77212441578


The main aspects of development of confessional identity during a modern era are studies in the manuscript. The special attention is paid to ambiguousness of «Secular era» estimation and the consequences of the secular project for religious identity of the postmodern.

Keywords: secularization, confession, identity.

(2 paragraph indentions)

Text of the manuscript

(paragraph indention)


(withoutparagraph indention)

Requirements for references

Reference to the literature should be given in square brackets, followed by a comma, not a capital "p" point and page number.

See example of references.
"According to the analysis of the plans on thematic areas and plans of departments, draft plan for the next planning period should be made" [22, p.34].

Requirements for illustrations, diagrams and figures

All figures should have the title and, if necessary, descriptive information (caption text Times New Roman 10 point font); references on all figures should be given in the text of manuscript. The word "Figure" and its ordinal number, the title and descriptive information should be directly under the picture. Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals and have continuous numbering, Times New Roman 10 point font. If you have only one figure, it should not be numbered.
Drawings, graphs, charts, diagrams, illustrations, which are placed in a manuscript, should meet state standards.
All illustrations, diagrams and figures should be just black and white and they should be attached to the text.

See example of illustrations, diagrams and figures style


Note - Compiled by the author according to [5, 9, 12]

Figure 7 – Expenditures on health care in Kazakhstan

Requirements for tables' style

All tables should have a title (Times New Roman 10 point font) and the references in the text of manuscript. The title should reflect the content and should be accurate, concise and placed above the table.
The table should be placed directly after the paragraph in which it is mentioned for the first time. A table with a large number of rows can be transferred to another page.
Column headings are usually typed parallel to rows in the table; if necessary they can be perpendicular. The data in the table: Times New Roman 10 point font.
All tables should be attached to the text.

See example of table's style

Table 1 – Labor productivity data in the mining and manufacturing industries in Kazakhstan

 Industrial sector



January-July 2011

Mining and Quarrying (in thousands U.S. dollars / person)




Manufacturing industry (in thousands U.S. dollars / person)




Note - Compiled by the author according to the Statistics Agency [12]


Reference style

The list of references should include the following:
• Author (last name and initials in italics) - (Bendina N.V.)
• The name of the source, without quotation marks with a capital letter - (Marketing (lecture notes): A Handbook for the exam preparation. -). Then you should point a dot, hyphen. After the hyphen you should indicate the city. Put a colon ":", publishing house, after a comma you can type a year of publication (- M: Pryor, 2000).
• After a point, and the hyphen you should indicate the number of pages and put the letter "p" and point (123 p.)
In the process of periodicals registration you should indicate:
• Author (surname and initials)
• Title of the article, without the quotation marks with capital letters, two oblique lines / /
• The name of the source (magazine, newspaper) with capital letters, and later you can put a dot and hyphen.
• Year of issue (dot, hyphen), № (dot, hyphen), followed by the page the information (P.1 -127.)
References are indicated according to their citation in a manuscript. Times New Roman 10 point font.

See example of references style

1. Tatarkin A.I. Region economics on its stabilization way / under the redaction of A.I.. Tatarkin. – Ekaterinburg: IEUrO RAN, 2002. – 444 p.
2. Puzankov D.V.., Ryabov V.Ph., Mamontov A.N. System of strategic planning at the university // University management: practice and analysis. – 2002. – № 2 (21). – P. 27-36.
3. Law the Republic of Kazakhstan from the 19-th of January 2011 № 395-IV 3RK «On Nazarbayev university status», «Nazarbayev intellectual schools» and «Nazarbayev Fund». – Access mode: http://www.kazpravda.kz/_pdf/jan11/260111.

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