• Платонус


Informal learning in action: successful completion of courses

Informal learning in action: successful completion of courses

Advanced training courses for teachers and staff of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Barimbek Beisenov have been successfully completed at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The program included two areas: "Management in higher...
Forum at KAZPOTREBSOYUZ UNIVERSITY: discussion of working professions and cooperation with business

Forum at KAZPOTREBSOYUZ UNIVERSITY: discussion of working professions...

On March 5, 2025, our university hosted the regional forum "Education as a driver of sustainable development in the Karaganda region: recognition and popularization of working professions." The event was timed to coincide with the Year of Working Professions in Kazakhstan and brought together representatives...
Young geographers of Karaganda competed in the Olympiad at our university

Young geographers of Karaganda competed in the Olympiad at our uni...

On February 21, 2025, our university hosted the Regional Geography Olympiad for students in grades 9-11 of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, and colleges in the city of Karaganda and the Karaganda region. More than 170 students took part in the Olympiad. The purpose of the annual intellectual competition...
Career opportunities: meeting of students with the company

Career opportunities: meeting of students with the company "AMIRSANA...

On March 3, 2025, a meeting was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with representatives of AMIRSANA 2000, one of the largest suppliers of workwear, footwear and personal protective equipment in Kazakhstan. The company has been successfully operating in the market for more than 30 years,...
Regional Olympiad in Economics

Regional Olympiad in Economics

February 22, 2025 On the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the Regional Olympiad in Economics was held for students in grades 9-11 of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, and students of colleges in Karaganda and the Karaganda region.
International Training for Educators: Overseas Online Internship

International Training for Educators: Overseas Online Internship

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz invites educators to participate in international online courses on circular economy with the opportunity to obtain a foreign internship certificate! From March 11 to March 27, 2025, a series of training sessions will be held to enhance the qualifications of...

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:



    Faculty of Economics and Management

  • Contingent of master students on educational program for 2021-22
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis
Training in the educational Management master program 7М04106 allows to train experts of a new formation who have broad fundamental knowledge; initiative, adaptive to the changing market requirements of work and the modern technologies able to work as individually, and in team. It is reached as a result of studying of such disciplines as «Professional Management», «Psychology», «Business strategy of innovative development of the entity», «Organization of experimental and research works», «Strategic Management», «Management of competitiveness of the organization», «Controlling», «Innovative methods of researches in management», «Innovation management at the entity», etc. It allows to purchase skills: obtaining, handlings and information transfers with use of modern technical means; carrying out a lecture, seminar and practical training; qualified statement of a training material. And to be competent: in the field of economy, the organization and management of commercial and non-business enterprises; in questions of the organization, planning and implementation of all types of a management activity; in establishment of the interpersonal relations and in use of various acceptances of motivation; in questions of carrying out research and pedagogical activities in the field of professional training; in questions of ensuring educational process of higher education institution with standard and methodical materials.
Graduates of a magistracy according to the educational program 7М04106 - "Management" can carry out the following types of professional activity:
by profile preparation: manager; managing director of department; head of department (training, marketing, sale, etc.) organizations and entities of all patterns of ownership; specialist, leading or chief specialist of the top and average management of bodies of local and public administration;
The academic degree is appropriated to the graduate:
- in the profile direction - the Master of economy and business in the specialty "7М04106 - Management".
Training term:
in the profile direction - 1 year
Form of education – internal.

Degree program: Master of Economics and Business majoring 7М04106 "Management" profile direction
The extent and duration Single degree (one university) (70 ECTS - credits / loans 28 Kaz.)
Educational foundation Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IQAA) http://nkaoko.kz/
Validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 1 year for those receiving a degree at the University from 2016
Level KR for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2st cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Frame): Level 7
  • A) Goal
    • The purpose of the educational program of specialty 7М04106 "Management" is training of specialists of an economic profile, competitive in the labor market, demanded by the modern entities and market structures, capable to adapt effectively to dynamically changing social and professional conditions of activities, the main professional functions capable having the high level of readiness for implementation structurally to influence nature and the direction of development of the professional spheres of the activities owning skills of organizing work and a management activity.
    • Successful graduates should:
    • -Set a goal and formulate the tasks associated with management, economic and productive activities;
      -analizirovat and process information;
      -Adopts morally and logically correct management decisions on the organization achieve its goals;
      - Identify the reserves for increasing the efficiency of organizations and make decisions appropriate changes in the market environment
      -delat assessment of investment projects and to work with scientific, regulatory, educational texts; to use modern forms of active learning methods in teaching.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • The main disciplines:
      Basic disciplines: Foreign language (professional level), Professional Management, Psychology, Business strategy of innovative development of the entity, Organization of experimental and research works
      Major disciplines: Strategic Management, Business planning start-up, Project management in entrepreneurship, Management of competitiveness of the organization, Controlling, Innovative methods of researches in management, Innovation management at the entity
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • With the implementation of educational programs specialty 7М04106 "Management" applies the credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle, curricula, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technology
    • 3.Direction
    • Masters profile direction
    • 4.Features
    • The graduates of the educational program 7М04106 "Management" focused on:
      - Organizational - administrative;
      - Production - management;
      - Economic;
      - Analytical;
      - Scientific - research;
      - Expert - advisory;
      - Education (teaching);
      - Educational - methodical.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Business structures, manufacturing, organizations and companies of various forms of ownership, government bodies, financial institutions, design and research institutes, research and production, and educational institutions.
    • 2.Further training
    • Doctoral 6D050700 «Management»
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used innovative forms of employment (business games, case studies, field sessions, debates, round tables, discussions, review of literature, individual and group projects) are also provided prompt practitioners to conduct lectures, seminars, master classes
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Landmark control; intermediate certification (testing); protection NIRM reports on the passage teaching, research and production practices (reports); Scientific study tour (report), final examination (State examination, Master's thesis defense)
  • E) Program competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the third level of the cycle.
      This includes the general competence (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the third cycle.
      Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      OC1 - have an understanding of the role of science and education, current trends in the development of scientific knowledge about the actual problems of science and technology;
      OC2 - an understanding of the professional competence of the teacher of the higher school, the contradictions and consequences of globalization;
      OC3 - know the methodology of scientific knowledge, principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity;
      OC 4 - to know the psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process, psychological methods and means to improve the efficiency and quality of education;
      OC 5 - know how to use and integrate the acquired knowledge for solving research problems and analytical work in new unfamiliar conditions and atypical situations;
      OC 6 - be able to apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in their teaching activities;
      OC 7 - fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing to carry out scientific research and to implement the teaching of special disciplines in the universities;
      OC 8 - have the skills of the research activities, standard solutions of scientific problems and correct representation of the results;
      OC 9 - have the skills to conduct educational and teaching activities with the use of modern information technology, teaching methods and a variety of professional communication;
      OC 10 to have the skills of professional communication, intercultural communication, public speaking;
      OC 11 - to be able to broaden and deepen the knowledge necessary to povsednenoy professional and continuing education;
      OC 12 - be competent in the field of research methodology, research and teaching activities, research in the professional field and the expansion of professional skills
    • 2.Specific competencies:
    • PC 1 - be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding in the professional field;
      PC 2 - to be able to compile, analyze and interpret the socio-economic, financial, investment, legal and other information, formulate arguments and solve problems in the field;
      PC 3 - own methods of analysis, be capable of justification accepted and implemented solutions in the professional area, be prepared to apply the results in practice;
      PC4 - to be prepared for the development of new ideas and their use, including in the context of scientific studies;
      PC 5 - own methods of carrying out independent research and interpretation of their results, methods of self-setting issues and find ways to solve them;
      PC 6 to be able to analyze and evaluate the current performance of social, economic and political development of the country's regions;
      PC 7- being able to analyze the best scientific and technical expertise and technology trends;
      PC 8 - be able to carry out theoretical and experimental research in the field of science and knowledge;
      PC 9 - possess the tools to handle economic data, calculations analysis and justification of the findings;
      PC 10 - have the skills to build theoretical and econometric models;
      PC 11 - to be able to make professional decisions based on economic, environmental impacts, ethical requirements and rights;
      PC 12 to be able to develop and prove variants of effective decisions, to be able to organize and analyze business activity;
      PC 13 to be able to identify and analyze cause-and-effect relationships in the subject field;
      PC 14 - to be able to self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests;
      PC 15 - be prepared for planning and conducting applied research in the relevant professional field;
      PC 16 to be capable of planning, organization, implementation of research results;
      PC 17 - be prepared to participate in the development of new programs and improved training courses majors;
      PC 18 to be ready for the preparation and conduct of the various forms of organization of learning activities using modern methods of active learning in higher and further education
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of the master's of professional practice in the organization, as well as with the client, undergraduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      be competent:
      in economics, organization and management of commercial and non-profit organizations; in the organization, planning and implementation of all kinds of administrative activity; to establish interpersonal relationships and the use of different methods of motivation; the promotion of the scientific - research and educational activities in the field of vocational training; in ensuring the educational process of the university normative - methodical materials.
  • Foreign language (professional level) 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the scope of the university course.
    • Post-requisitions: mastering a foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. The times of the Indefinite group. Parts of speech - General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous group times. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Group times Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Passive voice and passive design. Business correspondence. Modal verbs: may, must, to be to, to, to, should. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Infinitive and infinitive constructions. Features of the infinitive translation. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Gerund. Features of translation gerund. Types of banks. Banking system. Communion I, II. Features of translation. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Structure of the English sentence. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Types of offers. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Complex sentences. Types of subordinate clauses. Balance Sheet 1. Time alignment. Balance Sheet 2. Subjunctive mood. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Conditional offers. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Indirect speech. Final test.
    • Expected Result:
    • to have an ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • to conduct discussions on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • to perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • to have the skills of business written communication;
    • to read and translate texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • to understand the content of the read;
    • to transfer the contents of the read;
    • to use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Lecturer's Full Name: к.р.s., associate professor Yertysbaeva G. N., Ph.D., сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Aubakirova G.T.
  • Professional management 1 credits / 2 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Management", "Business Organization", "Production Management".
    • Postrequest: writing a master's project.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline "Professional Management" is deep comprehension and achievement of understanding by undergraduates of theoretical positions, methodical foundations and mastering practical methods of managing the activity of modern organizations.
    • Brief description of the course: General scheme of management activities. Organization as an object of management: the internal environment (analysis of the organization from the point of view of its systemic nature). Organization: the external environment (analysis of the organization in terms of its openness). Situational and process approaches in management. Management concepts: process-oriented (engineering and reengineering of business processes). Functional approach in management. Subjects of the management process. Management style. Role functions of the manager and subordinates. Management decisions. Centers for decision-making and management zones. Planning: the role and place in the overall concept of management. Motivation of the performer as an administrative function. Control as management activity. Organization: the degree of controllability and quality of management. Communication process in the organization. Management models and conditions for their application.
    • Expected results: know the essence of professional management; to have an idea of the functions of the manager, to be able to determine the problems of taking into account the features of planning, organization, motivation and control; develop arguments and make decisions through; distinguish the subjects of the managerial process; be able to apply situational, process and functional approaches.
    • Lecturer's Full Name: PhD Econ., associate professor Abdikarimova A.T.
  • Psychology 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, Sociology, Culturology.
    • Post-requisitions: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: to teach the undergraduates the basics of higher school psychology, to expand their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • Expected Result:
    • to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and to understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, the psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activity of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • to present the interpretation of the results of psychological diagnostic techniques, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Lecturer's Full Name: к.р.s., associate professor Kenzhebayeva S. К.
  • Strategic management 1 credits / 2 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Strategic management
    • In world modern practice of management of the entities and organizations the wide experience of adoption of strategic decisions in unstable conditions is accumulated. A certain contribution to development of the theory and management practice in the conditions of uncertainty was brought by many scientists and practicians. This experience found reflection in various areas of scientific knowledge connected with the theory and management practice including in discipline "Strategic management".
    • As a result of studying of a rate undergraduates shall seize knowledge, abilities:
      • to be able to develop development strategies of the organization;
      • to perform the analysis of competitive strategy, taking into account the factors influencing a situation in an industry;
      • to carry out the professional and objective analysis of organization activity, including its external environment in the field of management, on the basis of various methods of the managerial analysis;
      • to be able to create philosophy of business and a corporate culture of the organization.
    • During studying of discipline undergraduates shall seize skills, necessary for development of the studied discipline:
      • to use the gained knowledge for original development and use of the ideas in the context of strategic management;
      • to critically analyze the existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of strategy of the companies;
      • to integrate knowledge gained within training of discipline of strategic management for the solution of research tasks in new unfamiliar conditions;
      • by integration of knowledge to take out judgments and to make decisions on the basis of incomplete or limited information;
      • to think creatively and to approach creatively the solution of new problems and situations;
    • During studying of a rate foreign experience, a condition and the prospects of development of strategic management in the Republic of Kazakhstan is used.
    • This program is standard. It is developed by department of management and marketing TREASURY of al-Farabi. In case of creation of the working program approved by Council of higher education institution it is recommended to make amendments and additions.
    • Prerekvizita: Management
    • Lecturer's Full Name: PhD Econ., associate professor Gelashvili N. N.
  • Business strategy of innovative development of the entity 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science, Microeconomics, Macroeconomic.
    • Post-requisites: Corporate management, project analysis
    • Purpose: Represents to future researchers powerful tools of scientific search, the analysis, forecasting, based on modern methods of economic-mathematical modeling which became one of the most important directions of development of economic researches at the present stage.
    • Short description of a rate: Basic concepts of innovative activities. Lifecycle of an innovative product. Commercialization of an innovative product. Innovative policy at the modern entity. Market of scientific and technical products. Essence and content of business strategy of innovative development of the entity. Efficiency evaluation of business strategy of the entity. Features of personnel management of the innovative entity. State regulation of innovative activities. Innovative project and program. Development and management. Cost efficiency of the innovative project. State support of business strategy of the innovative entities.
    • The expected results: In the course of development of scientific decisions it is necessary to formalize dependences between separate elements of an economic system, to apply a mathematical apparatus, general cybernetic regularities and the principles.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Sadvakasova Zh. M.
  • Organization of experimental and research works 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science, Microeconomics, Macroeconomic
    • Post-requisites: Work practice, writing of the master's thesis
    • Purpose: studying of the basic concepts and methods of experimental and research work, as key stage of innovative activities.
    • Short description of a rate: forming of a complex of knowledge of the organization and planning of research and experimental work, about preliminary preparation for an experiment and carrying out an experiment, according to requirements to further transition to developmental stages of innovative activities. Within this rate knowledge of stages and logical bases of pilot study will be provided. Also the main methods, necessary preparations for a preparatory stage of experimental and research work, such as collection of scientific information and planning of experiments will be studied.
    • This rate is directed to complex studying of general-theoretical and practical questions of the organization and management of experimental and research work.
    • The expected results: When studying this rate the undergraduate will know the basic concepts, methods and stages of implementation of experimental and research work, according to the last requirements to research and innovative activities. The gained knowledge when studying this rate will also allow the undergraduate to observe the logical sequence of statement of an experiment and to solve in a complex correctly set the purpose and research problems.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Ulybyshev D. N
  • Business planning start-up 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Microeconomics, Business planning, Project management, Project analysis
    • Post-requisites: Work practice, writing of the master's thesis
    • Purpose: to form the system, professional knowledge, qualification skills and business planning skills of innovative projects.
    • Short description of a rate: formation of a complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the management of innovative projects of economic entities, taking into account the prevailing conditions for the organization and conduct of entrepreneurial activities in the national economic system. This course is aimed at a comprehensive study of general theoretical and practical issues of organization and planning of innovation activities.
    • The expected results: master the basic concepts, methods and stages of business planning of the innovation project, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities; be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems; develop arguments and make decisions, through search, collection, analysis and systematization; to provide information in various forms of communication, to cooperate and work in a group, to discuss and defend their position, to make decisions; to acquire skills in the implementation of a complex of research activities and to solve the correctly set goals and objectives of innovative design.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Baibosynov S.B.
  • Project management in entrepreneurship 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Project management, Business planning
    • Post-requisites: Work practice, writing of the master's thesis
    • Purpose: will allow graduate students to classify projects, select projects for portfolio, select automated solutions for portfolio management, build management processes, determine the circle of persons participating in the project and make decisions, coordinate work and achieve the required result within the given timeframe.
    • Short description of a rate: Designing the optimal structure of the company to implement the strategic goals of the organization, correcting the structure according to external and internal changes is a particularly important direction in crisis conditions, process management tools that can be used in managerial practice by a manager of any level. Their application will ensure the maximum efficiency of the key business processes of the organization/ division and the activities of employees involved in their implementation.
    • The expected results: form a clear understanding and goals of the key stages of project management, master the skills of developing a project plan for terms, finances, project team members, learn to manage risks in the project, get practical advice and recommendations for project management, get an idea of automated solutions in portfolio management, You will get acquainted with the positive and negative experience of the project activity and will be able to effectively apply the knowledge gained in practice.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kose Zh. K.
  • Management of competitiveness of the organization 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Competitiveness of national economy
    • Post-requisites: Work practice
    • Purpose: to create fundamental ideas of essence and content of competitiveness of the organization and to fix system of knowledge of its components and mechanisms of providing competitiveness of the organization.
    • Short description: Concept and content of competitiveness of the organization. Analysis technique and estimates of competitiveness of the organization. Problems and tasks of increase in competitiveness of the organization. Quality management as factor of increase in competitiveness. Features of competitiveness in modern conditions. Innovations and quality management system. Forming of a quality management system at the entity.
    • The expected results: The undergraduate shall know essence and content of competitiveness of the organization; to be able to research competitiveness of the organization on the basis of use of tools of system and structurally functional methodology.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zhaparova R. E.
  • Controlling 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Strategic management, Production management
    • Post-requisites: Work practice, writing of the master's thesis
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in theoretical bases and practical aspects of the organization of the controlling which is an integral part of the latest management system the entities. In modern conditions of dynamic change of the external environment of functioning of business, it is necessary to provide training of specialists, owning scientific methods of the system analysis allowing to formalize process of acceptance of management decisions, to structure knowledge in expert systems and systems of decision support.
    • Short description of a rate: the concept of controlling, the place of controllers in an enterprise management system, types and structure of controlling, managerial accounting - a controlling basis, enhancement of systems of accounting and planning at the entities, the systems of calculation of costs and production volumes oriented to management, controlling of innovative and investment processes, diagnostics of a financial condition within system of controlling, development of budgets as the instrument of operational controlling, methods of variance analysis of the actual results from planned, information support in controlling, management of nformatsionny technologies in controlling, the organization of system of controlling at the entity, current trends of development of controlling.
    • The expected results:
      • to research diagnostics of system of accounting and planning by activities of the entities which represent Basic Elements of controlling;
      • to seize the methods of investment, financial calculations, and also costing methods oriented to enterprise management;
      • to seize technology of development of the current and strategic budgets of the entity;
      • to have an idea of features of the organization of systems of operational and strategic controlling;
      • to study a technique of the organization of controlling at the entities;
      • to be guided in the forecasts and the prospects of development of controlling following from strengthening of a role of network structures in economy, strengthenings of a role of non-material production factors, growth of quality requirements of corporate management.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: Dr.Econ.Sci., professor Sikhimbayeva D. R.
  • Innovative methods of researches in management 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Economic theory, Innovation management
    • Post-requisites: Work practice, writing of the master's thesis
    • Purpose: mastering methodology of a mezhdistsiplinarony research of management systems the organizations is; to deepen theoretical, methodical and practical knowledge of questions of the analysis of management systems and identification of optimum ways of their development; to motivate scientific and innovative approach to management; to develop practical skills and abilities of carrying out a practical research, the analysis of problem situations, developments of offers and recommendations about increase in efficiency of a management activity.
    • Short description of a rate: Practice of training of specialists in the field of management shows that research approach is determined by a technique of teaching all disciplines of an economic and managerial profile, nevertheless, studying of this question in higher education institutions shows that the general rate opening methodology and the organization of carrying out research work in management process and researches of such specific subject what the management system in general, in total all properties, characteristics and features is is necessary.
    • The expected results: to show knowledge and understanding of the main scientific approaches to studying of difficult systems to which number management systems belong; to systematize knowledge of the purposes, tasks and functions, structure of scientific research; can apply the knowledge and understanding when carrying out a practical research, the analysis of problem situations, developments of offers and recommendations about increase in efficiency of a management activity; to perform collection and interpretation of information during the analysis and modeling of objects of professional activity and their components; to disclose essence of system approach;
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kose Zh. K.
  • Innovation management at the entity 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Production organization at the entities of an industry, Quality management, Personnel management
    • Post-requisites: Work practice, writing of the master's thesis
    • Purpose: forming at future specialists of a susceptibility to innovations, strong theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of preparation and implementation of innovative changes in conditions of the market relations and tough competitive struggle.
    • Short description of a rate: Basic concepts of discipline "Innovation management at the entity". Concept of an innovation and innovations. Essence of innovative management. A role and the place of innovations in business activity. Classification of innovations and innovative processes. Objects and subjects of innovative process. Lifecycle of innovations and its phase. Functions and methods of innovative management.
    • The expected results: As a result of studying of discipline "Innovation management at the entity" students shall know: basic concepts of innovative management; classification of innovations and structure of innovative process; main stages of a project cycle; mechanisms of providing the property rights to the created intellectual products; organizational forms of innovative activities. to seize: skills of the organization of development of innovations; skills of the organization of search of the new ideas; technology of conducting examination of the innovative project; risk management methods of innovative projects. to be able: to choose an organizational structure for implementation of the innovative project; to estimate efficiency of innovative processes; to prove innovative solutions.
    • First name, middle initial, last name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kose Zh. K.
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